I will post random crap here! Mainly random crap that I find intriguing.
Published on September 6, 2008 By Servius In Sins of a Solar Empire

Got an email today and it said sins had hit the 500k milestone after 7 months. If this is true then 100 million grats to Ironcald and Stardock.



Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 06, 2008

yep , it was all over Shacknews a few days back, 400k boxed copies sold , 100k digital downloads.

on Sep 06, 2008







499,999 oponents to kill! MUHAHAHAHA!

on Sep 06, 2008

UEF Soldier
499,999 oponents to kill! MUHAHAHAHA!


500k..i just can't stop.

on Sep 06, 2008

So that would be about $25 million of income, give or take??? That has got to be good news for IC and SD - will ensure they keep pumping out new games and/or new content/patches etc...

on Sep 06, 2008


Now...why aren't more of these purchasers playing playing the game in online multiplayer?

on Sep 06, 2008

Congrats to Iron Clad and Stardock.

Thanks for the awesome game.

on Sep 07, 2008

With a marketing budget, it could have sold a million... But thanks for the awesome game!

on Sep 07, 2008

hahaha true but also with that kind of budget.. they should be able to help create a better mod creater and viewer too ... also i bet they will hit 1m in sales withing the next 6-8 months


on Sep 07, 2008

It will sell well into the future, 3 mini-expansions along with the eventual single player campaign. 

on Sep 07, 2008


on Sep 07, 2008

Can't wait for more from Ironclad.


on Sep 08, 2008


on Sep 09, 2008

I'd guess it's closer to 10 million in revenue.  The 100k digital downloads could be half the game.  Retail sucks a lot out of the price.  First you've got the creation costs, then you warehouse them, ship them, distribute them, and finally sell them in stores.  Everyone along the way gets their cut.


Not that a 5-1(or better) return on the investment is anything to make fun of, it's bloody disgusting.

on Sep 09, 2008

why are there usualy only 150-300 people on the game at the time then....if over 500,000 copies were sold. Kinda hard to blieve that.

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