I don't know how many of you are playing this on vista 32 bit version, but if you are after a few hours or so your game might crash for no apparent reason. Reason: The game runs out of address space. Vista 32 bit is limtied to 2048mb of it and after a while it gets used up and your game gets pwned. However you can fix this-
1. Open the Command prompt as Administrator in Vista: (Start > All Programs > Accessories > right click Command Prompt > Choose run as Administrator)
2. Enter
BCDEDIT /set IncreaseUserVa 2600 into the prompt, You can set it higher as I have mine at 3048 and haven't received a random crash due to memory error since.
3. Once you have done the above step, restart PC and run sins. After your done playing you should set the number back to 2048 and restart again.
4. Additionally you should install this update from microsoft:
940105 Update